Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Gosh, I hardly know where to begin. Part of me just wants to sit here and curse a blue streak. However, where would that get me and what good would it do for me. I also sit here and just feel like bawling my eyes out. I am in a bit of a funk right now I guess.

Part of it is because I am so tired. Wednesdays are incredibly busy days for me at the store because I am in the store all by myself for just about the whole day. And traditionally, Wednesdays are busy days. Doesn't help that I only ate one meal today too and that was at 3:30. They tell you not to do or say anything if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or tired and right now I am all of those so perhaps I should just go to bed and call it quits. Wait....I have to see the season finale of Top Chef first. I don't care who winds but I just know that I want one guy to lose because he is an arrogant ass.

Anyhow, some good things in that my work situation has changed some. The trouble I was having has been taken care of but it does mean a bit more work for me but the stress is so much less that is okay. One of the people I wrote about last time has been asked back to his old position. Awesome. Now, he doesn't have to work that job that he doesn't like. The other friend I wrote about is still out there looking and I pray that something comes up for him soon.

So, I guess that will be it for now....I just really am feeling kinda crappy emotionally so I will close because the one thing I don't want to do it get on some pitty pot. That I don't like in others and I like it even less in myself.

Sleep well all.

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